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Yapı Ve İnşaat / Fabrika İnşaatı / Romanya Talepleri

Romanya'den Yapı ve İnşaat kategorisindeki Fabrika İnşaatı alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

My name is V**** and with my partner, we're in the phase of setting all the details for a complete technical solution for the Dolomite powder plant in our property location in Romania, county Timis. We are interested in finding the best solution, full of our requested capacity - 100TPH - 120TPH dolomite powder. Our product is Calcium Dolomite and we're targeting the agriculture market for inputs, the construction market, and the glass market. The best solution equals means: crusher technical solution + mills technical solution + packaging solution (bulk & 1 kg to 50 kg).

I'm interested about manufacturing companies specialized with refinery equipment i.e. columns, reactors

Building inside should be meet foods degree, dimension 9mx30.8mx7.6m (two floors), here attached layouts of two floors. As well most important needs to be good isolation wall panel sandwich 150mm thickness as in winter time very cold mostly degrees minus.

Please send us the offer for an Compact Type Concrete Mixing Batching Plants Compact 60 with 4 aggregate compartments

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