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Türkiye İthalat İhracat, Türkiye İhracat İlanları ,Türkiye alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Türkiye İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Türkiye İhracatı Teklifleri ile Türkiye İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Türkiye'den ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

I represent ****** Agricultural Machinery. Our company, based in Konya, specializes in the production of high-performance agricultural machinery, including soil preparation, planting, harvesting, and fertilizing equipment, etc. Our products are known for their durability and technological superiority, and they are already successfully used in markets across the Middle East and North Africa.

We are producing Fan units for Agricultural Spraying Machines. We have different type of fan units for spraying machines for trees, vineyards and crops.

Supply requirement for the M**** project: ❖ 15 machines for: cocoa shelling ❖ 15 machines for Harvesting ❖ 10 machines Cleaning ❖ 15 machines for planting ❖ 15 machines for watering ❖ 15 machines for input application ❖ Installation of a large mechanical and rapid fermentation center ❖ 10 tractors for plowing the fields

Equipment and Machinery: Workspaces Powered by Technology! ******'s modern and technology-enhanced agricultural equipment helps you increase productivity while reducing your labor force. As the most powerful tillage equipment in the industry, we accompany you in every aspect of your field.

I want to buy for a customer If he accepts, of course I will buy And in shipping to Hatay state

Our company serves in the sector with global seat agricultural machine seats, tractor seats, forklift seats and 4 different product types. Thanks to the molds in our business, we can meet customer demands in this product range. We produce and deliver products in the shortest possible time and in high quality. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials and workmanship without compromising the principles of quality work by ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

We, at M*********, produce gearboxes and gear sets for PTO driven farm machinery, such as; rotary tillers(rotovators) in-row tillers, power harrows, spaders, mulchers, mowers, rotary rakes, tedders, balers, manure spreaders, fertilizer spreaders, feed mixers, auger drills, haulm toppers, beet lifters and many other PTO driven machinery. Our attention to quality and precision is unmatched compared to our competitors in Eastern Asian market, and our price range is more competitive compared to our European competitors. We currently export our products to 8 different countries worldwide and have worked and working with with various other companies throughout short-term projects.

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