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Tarım Makineleri / Toprak İşleme Makineleri / Irak Talepleri

Irak'den Tarım Makineleri kategorisindeki Toprak İşleme Makineleri alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

My name is a n***e en****r, I work as a project manager and chief engineer in a trading company. I have a contract to equip the g*********t with agricultural equipment and machinery, do you have this equipment, and I want a list of prices including customs, transportation and tax in your country, and thank you

Peace be upon you, I need agricultural equipment and machines. Please communicate with me

Rotary Cultivation Machines with the following technical specifications, engine net power (7.5 horse/3600 rotate (cycle) per one minute), working depth (200-450 mm), working width (900-1100 mm), rotors number (3 rotors/ 4 groups each side), with tree saver disc and adjustable handlebar vertical and horizontal with total weight less than 48kg.

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