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Sudan İthalat İhracat, Sudan İhracat İlanları ,Sudan alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Sudan İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Sudan İhracatı Teklifleri ile Sudan İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Sudan'den ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We in northern Sudan have huge quantities of precious stones Unfortunately, we do not have laboratories or detectors Can the company deal with us through a representative who comes to Sudan? Can you point me to a company or people of interest?

I am looking for For the supply of Medical laboratory equipment, chemicals, reagents and kits for Health Clinic. Kindly please notice that : Disposables, Chemicals, Kits

Carver and wax knife & Handpiece Labcoats and scrubs I would like to buy the above products at factory price. ,,To communicate. With me on WhatsApp.

hello... we are need lab equipment(hematology_chemistry;hormones_microbiology)+ microscopy, centrifuge. send me the price ,so some companies to give this equipment against reagent if you have we are need.

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