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Plastik Lastik Sanayii / Türkiye Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Türkiye için İhracatı İlanları, Türkiye İthalat ve İhracat

Plastik Lastik Sanayii / Türkiye İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Türkiye İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Türkiye'den Plastik Lastik Sanayii kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

I kindly request you to price the products listed below with their delivery times. ORDER NO DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 1 Ø200 PE100 PIPE PN10 1300 Meters 2 Ø110 PE100 PIPE PN10 200 Meters Thank you & Good Work.

We provide all sprinkler and drip irrigation supplies I will be at your service and answer your inquiries To learn about our products, please visit the website https://************.com/ar/urunlerimiz

We are producing of Hdpe Pe 100 water pipes . Our production is from 20 mm up to 800 mm . All pressure we can produce from PN 4 - PN 32 We have TUV, WRAS , ISO and EN 12201-2 certificate from accrediate laboratory.

We export all kind of HDPE drinking water pipes. Blanc (with blue stripe) or blue. diameter from 20mm up to 800mm. PN (Pressure Nominal) from 4 bar up to 25 bar.

We product PVC pipes & fittings in Turkey/Adana. Our products are not original, these are second quality. I make second quality sales to most companies at home and abroad. That's what people want. I mostly work with middle eastern and balkan countries. Our prices is good because of people’s prefer me. If you have business about pipes & fittings, you could contact with me.

piping materials, such as ASTM A106 Gr B, polyethylene, and ASTM A234 WPB if you can please direct me to the companies so i can send them the inquiries piping materials, such as ASTM A106 Gr B, polyethylene, and ASTM A234 WPB could you direct me to companies that manufacture these materials it doesnt have to be specific the description i provided above but regarding the piping materials

We can produce HDPE pipes as you requested, if you are interested reply us then we can discuss the details.

- Factory for the manufacture or sale of high current, low current industrial electrical cables, command and control. - manufacturing plant for 20kV/410 volts and 20kV/5kV industrial transformers. - factory manufacturing or selling metal electric poles. - factory manufacturing or selling accessories for low voltage networks and high voltage networks. - manufacturing plant or HDPE pipes (high density polyethylene)

we are looking for bulk supply of HDPE and LDPE pipes as per enclosed specifications, therefore please arrange to provide your best discounted prices.

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