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Plastik Lastik Sanayii / Plastikten Mamul Ürünler / Mısır Talepleri

Mısır'den Plastik Lastik Sanayii kategorisindeki Plastikten Mamul Ürünler alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are looking for Plastic pallets Please send best offer: Product: Double-deck Plastic Pallets Specifications: plastic type, heavy duty size (W x L x H) 120 x 120 x 15 cm, double-deck, 4-way entry. Packable/stackable, anti-slip, chemical and weather resistant, hygienic and recyclable. Minimum static load capacity as per ISO 8611, MS8314-05 pallet packing specifications.

I need plastic pallets US Standard 4000 pallet on monthly basis

I need your support to check if you can supply plastic pallets with attached specs.

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