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Mobilya kategorisindeki Sandalye alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Looking to buy wedding chairs, banquet chairs and table. Large quantity. I'm an event planner from Ivory Coast. I'd to buy in bulk.

bana proforma verebilir misiniz 1000 adet köpüklü Napolyon sandalye ve 150 adet katlanabilir ahşap masa.

Hallo, we are company from serbia and we want to buy furniture for rent, bar tables, bar chairs, sofas and armchairs etc... Could you please send me some advice, contact of company who produce some of that

I am looking for wedding/event chair manufaturers. My whatsapp no is +94********* My email is n****.j*******

Hello, I would like to buy chairs for events like weddings, birthdays

I am looking for chairs to rent events. Is there a manufacturer of these chairs in this forum? I want about 400 chairs it is urgent please contact me

I want to purchase event materials like chair table, household items and tents.

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