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Türkiye'de şişe etiketleme yazıcısı almak istiyoruz. Şişe etiketleme yazıcısı firmalarından teklif bekliyoruz.

As ******Print; It is one of the leading companies in the sector in Printing Book Stationery Products. Our goal is to offer our products to our valued customers with the best price guarantee and a wide product range. We offer a fast and reliable service with our wide product range to increase our customers' profitability and reduce their costs.

I am ******, and I represent *****, located in Jordan. We specialize in livestock trading. I am writing to ask you about a printer machine to print the tags of sheep. We have tags, and we need to print them. Please check and let me know if you have this machine.

I am looking for a Turkish narrow web flexo press manufacturer. UV Flexo label machines. We are suppliers to the packaging industry in South Africa and we are looking for a Turkish narrow web label press to offer to our local market.

label printing I want to know the cost of the party.. Cardboard tags, sew-on and composition. All 10 000

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