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Kamerun İthalat İhracat, Kamerun İhracat İlanları ,Kamerun alanında İthalat İhracat Alım Satım Teklifleri Listesi

Kamerun İthalat ve İhracat Fırsatları Kamerun İhracatı Teklifleri ile Kamerun İthalatçıları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Kamerun'den ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

good evening I would like to import fertilized eggs from Turkey to Cameroon I would like to import fertilized eggs of the Cobb 500 breed for a quantity of 11,000 every 23 days on average and the terms thank you in advance our company is located in Douala in Cameroon

I am looking for information about your cobb or Ross breed hatching eggs.

Quantity: 5 000 Product: hatching egg Type: COBB 500 Delivery: Douala-CAMEROON Airport

Hello Mr Very good start to the week I need a Proforma invoice for the COBB 500 or Ross 308 strain For 80,000 Hatching Eggs

Please let us know how we can place our first order and get the fertilized eggs shipped to Cameroon.

I am looking for day-old parental chicks and parental eggs. prices and conditions for delivery to Yaoundé Cameroon

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