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Gürcistan Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracatı Teklifleri Gürcistan Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracatı Şirketleri, Gürcistan Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracatçıları

Gürcistan ülkesi Plastik Lastik Sanayii İhracat Fırsatları ve Gürcistan Plastik Lastik Sanayii Üreticileri ve İhracatçıları

Gürcistan'den Plastik Lastik Sanayii kategorisindeki Satış İlanı ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz


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We are writing to you from the company Georgia ******. We have 22 tons of APET Clockner 380 micron in stock. Rolls weighing 67 kg. We received these products from France. Production date March 2023. Unused product. We would like to sell these products to you. Thank you

Water and Power are selling materials which are brand new and never used. The reason of Selling is excessive amount of quantities in the warehouse.

There is on sale a polyethylene crumb (7000F _1220 $ Us per Tonn and other brands) from Iran.

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