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Türkiye Hayvancılık İhracatı Teklifleri Türkiye Hayvancılık İhracatı Şirketleri, Türkiye Hayvancılık İhracatçıları

Türkiye ülkesi Hayvancılık İhracat Fırsatları ve Türkiye Hayvancılık Üreticileri ve İhracatçıları

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Is there a stress -related farm activity? temperature changes? or disease challenge in the farm?

Portacure Ecolin; specifically formulated by Ma******t Expert Team, boosts immune system and increases resistance to diseases. Thus, e-coli bacteria is suppressed and Portacure Ecolin prevents diarrhea in calves.

Helps to keep calves healthy and provides them fast growing. Makes strong immunity. Preventing calf diarrhea. Allows to change directly intestinal microflora. Helps support the animal against transportation and environmental stress. Helps to develop populations of beneficials bacteria.

we can easily access all kinds of drugs on the market. In addition to medicines, we can supply surgical medical supplies, veterinary medicines, pharmaceutical chemicals, skin products and other health products.

An injectable drug of ivermectin against external and internal parasites of cattle and sheep.

Veterinary Pharmaceuticals for cattle, sheep, equine, poultry and also pet products, Feed Additives and Premixes.

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