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Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat İlanları, Tarım Endüstrisi Alanında İhracat Alım İlanları Listesi

Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Şirketleri İçin Tarım Endüstrisi İhracat Alım İlanları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Tarım Endüstrisi kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

We want to buy sand filters with side installation of 500 mm 21' diameter and 0.75 HP self-suction pumps, for purchases of 200 units.

I am looking to manufacture insect net. If you are suitable for this, please contact me.

I would like a detailed RFQ for irrigation water filters. Specify all relevant details such as product characteristics, price models and expected delivery times.

Ste ******* was created in *****, specializing in installation and distribution. We represent several European, Turkish and Chinese brands. I need 3" and 4" steel hydrocyclone filters.

I need Turkish companies as suppliers for filteration system in Irrigation 0020********** m*****ut@l*** Filters for irrigation systems

We look forward to hearing from you we looking for : 1-Media filter station with backwash valves, station flow rates =125-130m3/h 1-Fertilization unit, options for both the 3 tank (solution) each 5000 L +1(acid) tank 2-Pumping unit =125-130m3/h at 5 bar

my name is R***** F*****, I am from the company M***** Ir**** from the country of Bolivia. I am interested in purchasing your irrigation products. Could you please provide me with a catalog of your products?

you working in irrigation? we need media filters for agriculture irrigation like this in Saudi Arbia

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