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Pakistan Spor Malzeme - Ekipman İhracat Alım İlanları Pakistan için Spor Malzeme - Ekipman İhracatı İlanları, Pakistan Spor Malzeme - Ekipman İhracat Alım İlanları

Pakistan için Spor Malzeme - Ekipman Alım İlanları ve Pakistan Spor Malzeme - Ekipman İhracat Fırsatları

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We are a startup company specializing in activewear, and we are currently seeking a manufacturing partner to produce a range of products including tracksuits, t-shirts, leggings, shorts, and various other items. Specifically, we require an initial order of 25 units for each color and style. We would like to discuss our requirements in more detail and explore the possibility of working together. Please let us know a convenient time for you to discuss this further.

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