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Makine Sanayii / Vinç Sistemleri İhracat Alım İlanları Makine Sanayii için Vinç Sistemleri İhracatı İlanları, Makine Sanayii / Vinç Sistemleri İhracat Alım İlanları

Makine Sanayii için Vinç Sistemleri Alım İlanları ve Makine Sanayii / Vinç Sistemleri İhracat Fırsatları

Makine Sanayii kategorisindeki Vinç Sistemleri alt kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

We are *********** *********** FZ-LLC (www.*********** .com), a diverse conglomerate with a focus on Marine and Industrial sector. Our operations span across Turkey, Bangladesh, the UAE, and Estonia, specializing in marine electronics, simulation systems, safety and firefighting equipment, deck machinery, propulsion systems, and industrial equipment. Our esteemed clientele includes government bodies, defense forces, and industrial sectors such as the Bangladesh Defence Forces, Coast Guard, Port Authorities, and leading industries in chemicals, cement, and steel. We kindly request that you review these and provide us with your best quote at your earliest convenience.

Im searching for a turkish manufacturer to represent his company as a sales agent in egypt im a freelancer and i use my large network with Egyptian businessmen to make big deals and take a commission, so i could cooperate with any company to be as if im their sales employee in egypt (i wont take any salary) just a commission on any deals i get.

I am looking for 50T mobile crane. Please let me know which companies manufacture above-mentioned products.

Is there an opportunity to purchase a 30tn rope-laying machine for a Turkish bridge crane (for 30tn)?

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