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Belarus Makine Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları Belarus için Makine Sanayii İhracatı İlanları, Belarus Makine Sanayii İhracat Alım İlanları

Belarus için Makine Sanayii Alım İlanları ve Belarus Makine Sanayii İhracat Fırsatları

Belarus'den Makine Sanayii kategorisindeki Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz

We are searching for PARTS for paint spraying equipment: hoses, filters, valves, ...

I am interested in the manufacturer of the production line for the production of gas boilers. Thanks. I will be waiting for information from you.

Could you please provide supplier of equipment for the grain extruders?

Today we want to find a partner who can sell us products from Parker, Danfoss, WIKA, Hansa Flex, HydroControl, Festo, Pneumax, Assali, Caterpillar, Allison, etc. We are ready to buy analogues of goods that can be manufactured in Turkey (provided that these are complete analogues in terms of technical characteristics and dimensions). If you are interested in delivering the goods that I have listed above to Belarus, write to me and indicate which goods you can sell to us (after that I will send you a list of products). We have no problems with payment in foreign currency, therefore, if you receive an interesting commercial offer from you, we are ready to work with you.

we would like to buy some parts for our line We producing food packaging for example - motor-reductor -from Kuhne GmbH or reduction gear from Lenze we already has contacts and agreements but under sanctions we can not deliver If you has some options - we will glad to hear you

Interested in the possibility of supplying CAT spare parts

For the production of a mobile drilling rig, we need to buy a pump P14P 3L1C 4A2 A DENISON HYDRAULICS (5 pcs.). I suggest you work out the issue of selling us the original or analogue of the P14P 3L1C 4A2 A DENISON HYDRAULICS pump (if you are interested). Delivery time - no more than 1 month. Given that the cost of the pumps is 69,000 euros, you can make good money on this (we can pay in euros and US dollars). If you need any additional technical information, write. I will help.

Please conect me with company that sels Hydra cell spare parts membrane kits for hydra-cell pumps

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