Mobil Uygulamamızı ücretsiz indirin Anlık mesajlaşma özelliği ile Mesajlaşma şu an yayında, hemen kullanmaya başla!
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We Like to draw your kind attention for the following new order inquiry for central supply; Sl Name & Details Code 01 Electric ICU Hospital Bed, 7 Functions; 495Lc-BG 02 Patient Monitor 280Lc-BG 03 Bipolar Ultrasonic Generator (Vessel Sealing Machine) 146Lc-BG 04 Floor Type Autoclave Sterilizer 339 Ltr 093Lc-BG

1. Examination table x 2 pieces 2. Shelf for the pharmacy x 2 pieces 3. Roll examination sheet x 24 roll 4. Blouse x 5 pieces 5. Thermometer x 2 pieces 6. Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Monitor Pack x 2 pieces 7. Blanket x 4 pieces 8. Defibrillator 9. scissors x 2 pieces 10. Hygienic protection x 400 boxes 11. Balance x 2 pieces 12. First aid kit (compress, saline solution, dressing, disinfectant, etc.) x 2 kits 13. Hygienic protection kit x 1053 kits 14. Oral kit x 1053 kits

We have a private order, I attached files that contain what we specifically need, please check them and provide us the price offer with quality certificates.

hello I am looking for a lensmeter manufacturer in Türkiye thank you

greetings mrs. I represent the company F*** M*****s, a company that distributes hospital and medicine equipment, I intend to buy steam autoclave equipment to supply one of our company's customers in Angola (maternity hospital), and we want to find partners who can work with our company.

We are interested in purchasing spare parts for your products sold to South Sudan through UNDP. Attached, please find a list of the spare parts we require.

We are looking for pricing options on a bulk order of cleanroom certified FFUs. Looking at your company description here, it looks like you might be able to provide what we need. Our specifications/requirements are:

please offer us your product via my email request for quotation for patient transfer trolley thanks in advance

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