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Azerbaycan İhracat İlanları, Azerbaycan Alanında İhracat Alım İlanları Listesi

Azerbaycan İhracat Şirketleri İçin Azerbaycan İhracat Alım İlanları ve İthalat Şirketleri Listesi

Azerbaycan'den Alım Postu ilanlarını görüntülüyorsunuz


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we need agent in Istanbul for doing your export shipments from Turkey. Can you please advise your charges for below shipment : From E**** to G***** Commodity : O**** 40 St**** Vi**** Bone Ce****t With Ge***** Dims : 44x34x30,5 cm / 7 boxes ; 36,5x 21,5x 30,5 cm 1 box Total weight : 36 kg Collection address : M**** M****** 1***. Cadde No:**** **/7 Ye****le/ANKARA

3000lt lubricant oils to be shipped from turkey one of the main exporter of the lubricant oils producing by our own plant now looking to find and negotiate with the bulk vessels to ship around 3000lt oils to Europe from the Turkey. Therefore we kindly ask you to provide contact details fro further negotiations with your company if you doing business with this.

We are looking a company which have capabilities that could assist serving this multi-year, worldwide effort, and have an ability to procure and ship various materials (equipment, safety, medical supplies, closing supplies etc) in Pacific Islands, Southeastern Asia, Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean countries

I would like to know about delivery companies which can deliver my cargo from Turkey

1.1. Transport Tankı Tipi Poliüretan İzolasyonlu Semitreyler Taşınacak akışkan Likit Karbondioksit UN Numarası UN 2187 Dizayn kodu EN 14398+ TPED (2010/35 EU) + ADR Bombe tipi Elipsoidal Maksimum çalışma basıncı 24 bar Test basıncı 31.2 bar Tank Malzemesi P 460 NL1 / NL2 Karbon Çeliği Metal Dizayn sıcaklığı -40°C / +50°C İzolasyon 200 mm Poliüretan

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