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Horeca / Horeca Tekstilleri / Gürcistan Talepleri

Gürcistan'den Horeca kategorisindeki Horeca Tekstilleri alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are looking for hotel textile - robes, pillowcases, sheets, duvet covers, all types of towels.

Bi bir ricamiz var, 1. Ev ve hotel tekistil Önceden teshekkur edırık.

Siz bize yardimci olursuz hemise, bize tekistil fabrikalari arayirik hotel elbiyse banyo icin, onceden teshekkur

At this stage I am looking for linen fabric for hotels, Satin cotton. What can you offer me?

Various fabric accessories such as tablecloths, napkins, curtains, etc. This is a very interesting and long-term project. The final selection will take place only after our visit to the previously selected factory. Thank you for your attention and future collaboration,

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