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/ Alım Satım İlanları için İhracatı İlanları, İthalat ve İhracat

/ İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri / İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Hizmet Sektörü kategorisindeki Dış Ticaret alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Hem nakliye hen de her turlu urun alim da yardimci oluyoruz 30 yildir ozbekisdandayim her turlu urunu bulmakta yardimci oluyoruz

I wish to ship truffle mushrooms and want to know what are the best packaging solutions that you have So Sample packaging for 50 to 100 grams as well as top existing shipment packages for larger sizes ( in 10s 100s or 1000 KG Basically something that would be best suited for keeping the product fresh for delivery for 2 days maximum if there is a packing and shipping company in Istanbul airport. This is what we are precisely looking for!

we provide the services you need for exporting your products!

Our company is engaged in international transportation as well as import settlement at customs, which includes: - Customs Clearance/PPJK - Pick up / Pick-up from the warehouse in the country of origin - Overseas Service Agency - Door To Door Import Service - Underconsignees Facilities/ Undername import - Import Licensing / Goods Lartas - Wholesale / ALL IN - Trucking / Domestics Cargo

We also provide Customs Brokerage, Warehousing and Port Services. Our product and service solutions are built and designed up for each customer. We specialize in supply chain management, our services include:

Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) for Sterilization Containers, Wire Baskets, Silicone Mat and Accessories from Turkey to Brazil.

Turkiyeden Isvicreye zeytinyag gondermek istiyorum. Gumruk ve transfer islerini gerceklestirecek firma ariyorum.

Firmalarimiza RUSYA -KAZAKISTAN-UKRAYNA Ulkelerinde SERTIFIKA+LOJISTIK+GUMRUK+HUKUK+IHRACAT +YATIRIM+OFIS+DEPO danismanligi ve dis ticaret hizmetlerini deneyimli kadromuzla vermeye devam ediyoruz.

Rusya ve Turkiye’de ki uzman personelleri ile musterilerine; gumrukleme, lojistik, handling , urun kontrol ve elektronik etiket uygulama, depolama, dagitim, danismanlik ve sertifikasyon hizmetlerinin tamamini birlikte veya ayri ayri verebilmektedir.

We are looking a company which have capabilities that could assist serving this multi-year, worldwide effort, and have an ability to procure and ship various materials (equipment, safety, medical supplies, closing supplies etc) in Pacific Islands, Southeastern Asia, Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean countries

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