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Tüm Menü

Hazır Giyim - Moda / Moldova Alım Satım İş Birliği Nakliye İhale İlanları Moldova için İhracatı İlanları, Moldova İthalat ve İhracat

Hazır Giyim - Moda / Moldova İthalat İhracat Şirketleri Alım Teklifleri Moldova İthalat İhracat Fırsatları

Moldova'den Hazır Giyim - Moda kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

vI am looking for a manufacturer - powder-free latex surgical gloves in total 416720 pairs.

Bana erkek elbise lazim cenazi evine Beden 46-64 (max 400 edet) Buyume 180 - Koyu mavi Siyah takili degil, klasik kesim(not Fit Slim) 1edet -fiyyat 25$ max ,bir az yuksek fiyata da balariz,. Belki sizde kohne model elbise var ,onada baka biliriz ,en onemlisi fiyat cok yuksek olmasin

we are interested to work with turkish wedding dresses.

Moldova firması, Türkiye'den hazır giyim ürünleri satın almak istiyor.

Women's, men's and children's clothing We are from Moldova Have a few questions 1. Do you work for export 2. Conditions for export 3. Export prices 4. Delivery time

Our company is engaged in the import from Ukraine, China, Europe and other countries of industrial consumer goods, including shoes and socks. Mainly wholesale and distribution throughout Moldova. First of all, we are interested in your production., As well as all your products. (SHOES, SOCKS)

Only high quality clothes, accessories, belts. Cocktail dresses, evening dresses, casual clothes, slimming underwear.

I am interested in the wholesale purchase of robes and pajamas!

I am looking for collaborators who can send women's clothes to Moldova!

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