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Gıda Sanayii / Kahvaltılık Ürünler / Sudan Talepleri

Sudan'den Gıda Sanayii kategorisindeki Kahvaltılık Ürünler alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

We are -Al-Ahmadain company- a Sudanese company that is registered in khartoum, Sudan. We are specialised in trade and services. We would like to expand our businees to the Turkish market. We can offer couple of commodities that are produced in Sudan with the ability to provide range of specifications and quantities as well as competitive rates and prices. Some of these commodities are: 1. Chickpea 2. Watermelon seeds 3. Sunflower seeds 4. Peanuts 5. Sesame seeds 6. Gum arabic 7. H

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