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Gıda Sanayii / Genel Gıda / Benin Talepleri

Benin'den Gıda Sanayii kategorisindeki Genel Gıda alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

we export products such as wheat flour, spaghetti, palm oil or sunflower oil, rice, milk, canned tomatoes, juices, energy drinks and others.

we are a company specializing in the sale of agro-food products such as (rice, sugar, vegetable oil, spaghetti, wheat flour) and frozen and poultry and frozen products in West Africa,

We are an importer/distributing company based in Cotonou - Benin Rep. focused on all kinds of Food Products.

We are one of the leading importer and distributor of food and beverages here in Cotonou, we import and distributes confectionery products, fine bakery products, biscuits, Butter cookies, Shortbread, Waffles, honey cakes, Chocolate tablets, Milk Chocolate etc. Interested sellers should contact us with their product offer and price lists.

    Benin Görüntülemekte olduğunuz dile ait firma anahtar kelimeleri henüz girilmedi...
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