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Endüstriyel Ürünler / Benzin İstasyonu Ekipmanları / Rusya Talepleri

Rusya'den Endüstriyel Ürünler kategorisindeki Benzin İstasyonu Ekipmanları alt kategorisindeki ilanları görüntülüyorsunuz

Basic technical characteristics of mini petrol station ***: Tank: -two-wall tank with control of inter-wall space to choose from: - 1 pc for 5 metres cubic; - 1 piece for 10 metres cubic; - 2 pcs for 5 or 10 metres cubic - 2 types of fuel. Completing two tanks and more - you can get a container petrol station of larger capacity, for example 20 or 30 cubic metres. Self-service terminal (SST): - IP43 enclosure - fanless industrial computer - high brightness touch screen with vandal-proof glass and adaptive brightness - contactless bank card reader (MasterCard, PayPass, Visa PayWave, Google Pay) - note acceptor - cassette for note acceptor 1500 banknotes - note acceptor safe - audio and visual notification of the client about the current transaction - cash register with fiscal drive - thermal cheque printer - climate control (heating and ventilation) - 2D scanner for working with vouchers (refund cheques) and fuel cards - router with built-in LTE and LAN PoE modem - UPS (uninterrupted power supply of the terminal and the speaker) Filling line: - transfer pump - check valve - flame arrestor - ball valve - corner filling unit with filter Dispensing line: - Topaz fuel dispenser (45 litres/min) - check valve - ball valve - flame arrestor Ventilation/measuring: - level gauge (optional) - metering stem (metre stem) - emergency ventilation - inspection hatch - breathing valve

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