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Авто - Транспортные Средства / Автостекло Запросы

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I am looking for sellers of spare parts for Temsa buses Brake pads CNG injectors and so on we maintain and repair an average of 20 Temsa buses

i need spare parts for isuzu bus Collaboration isuzu bus,bmc ttar 8x8 Аny companies or manufacturers if they can supply any of these parts please contact me.

we want relationships with temsa spare parts dealers

Hello, I would like to get in touch with Iveco, Tata and Scania spare parts suppliers.

I have just see your address of the companies that export the different kind of patch for car trucks buses and engines so we hope to receive a catalogue in order to prepare the command that I send you later. The activities of the company is import the spare parts for trucks buses engines and distributor in all cities in Morocco.

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