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Cultivamos, colhemos, moemos e embalamos sumagre orgânico certificado, 100% sem enchimento, sem corante, nas altas altitudes das Montanhas Taurus, Turquia.

Hello, I would like to receive information about sumac, price, quality, etc. for sumac powder to be sent to the USA.

We are a food producer in Turkey, we want to sell green lentils.

We are a food producer in Turkey, we want to sell red lentil.

Sarbay Group is one of the big export company about food and cosmetics. We are the producer of legumes, pasta, olive oil and oil products, bottled drinking water, nuts, molasses, spices, pastes dry fruits, fruits teas, and onions. We offer you great quality taste spicies.

We are the dried fruit manufacturer in Malatya in Turkey and we have production of DriedApricot and Figs and also we give services all kind of Pistachio

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