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Solicitações De Sanitários - Produtos De Limpeza / Ucrânia

Você está visualizando anúncios na categoria Sanitários - Produtos de Limpeza de Ucrânia

Below you will find a some information about us. We are developing sells in market of products for laundry, home care, personal care in Ukraine. We are developing our sells in 3 directions: 1. Our own network of clothes shops Econom Class, where we have section and selling products for laundry, home and personal care. This one guaranties sells immediately. We have more than 270 shops. Normally our shops has 300-500 m2. The biggest has 1 450 m2. 2. Our own network of shops for laundry

We are interesting in diapersto buy them to Ukraine. If you are interesting in cooperation could you please prepare offer for us with the best price you can allow and condition for reaching it (full truck order only and others) . Because of strong competitions, using the best price from you we will calculate the best price for our costumers, to get a big part of market. For the start we prefer to sell ready and completed brand product - your brands. In future we might be interested in our

We are Ukraininian company involved in a wide range of business administration services. Our company has entered into FMCG sector and is looking for a reliable supplier. Our company is interested in household chemicals for the import and distribution in the Eastern part of the country. Your offers will be highly appreciated.

I represent a company ***, the largest distribution holding company in Ukraine. in our package 30 brands (***, *** and others). I would be grateful for the dialogue on the following categories of goods cooperate: feminine hygiene children's Care razors and disposable tools hauzhold

Hello, Kindly I'm searching for the place that is manufacturing bath soap and bath products. I hope you can have a deal for supplying my business. Thanks

Dear Lord! Please let me know the price of brushes for washing cars and metal handles for brushes when purchasing 40 - foot container .

Good day! Spunlace we use in the manufacture of wet wipes. We want to first order a 20-foot conteyner, and then - every quarter to take 20 ft or 40 ft container. need the following form: 1) The density of 35 g / m2 The parallel weaving, 50% viscose and 50% polyester, width 12mm (50% conteyner) 2) The density of 45 g / m2, cross weave, 70% viscose and 30% polyester, width 20 mm (25% conteyner) 3) The density of 40 g / m2 The parallel weaving, 50% viscose and 50% polyester, width 12mm

ayin baylar! Sizin firmaniz hakkindaki bilgiyi internet sitenizden bulduk. Biz temizlik kagit urunlerinin temini icin guvenilir bir tedarikci ariyoruz.. Ana tuketiciler – perakende, oteller, eczaneler, hastaneler, sanatoryum, Kirim kamplari. Urunlerinizin toptan fiyatini ve dagitim sozlesmesini gonderir misiniz. Saygilarimla,

Degerli is ortaklari biz toptan Turk ev kimyasallari, deterjanlar ve ev gerecleri satin almak istiyoruz. Fiyat listesini gondermeniz mumkun mu ? Saygilarimla

I am working as import manager for *** *** is Ukrainian national producer of man clothes. It has huge network of brand chain store of 84 shops all over Ukraine. The company considers a business expansion and “** will produce all kind of mens garment on its own facilities. We have bought yarn and knitted sweaters. We faced the problem that sweaters are very tough. We are searching for softener for our sweaters. sweaters consist from three different blended yarn: - silk/cashmere; - wool

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