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Solicitações De Sanitários - Produtos De Limpeza

Você está visualizando anúncios na categoria Sanitários - Produtos de Limpeza

Interessado em preços de atacado para produtos químicos domésticos turcos Eu concordo Produtos químicos domésticos turcos sabões em pó e géis, xampus, pastas de dentes e produtos de limpeza

Saudações, potenciais parceiros! Somos uma grande rede na República da Bielorrússia, especializada em produtos químicos domésticos. Estamos procurando parceiros de longo prazo para cooperação nessas áreas. Teremos prazer em ver suas sugestões :)

A ultra limpeza, que é de nossa própria produção, é muito potente e pode ser usada para limpeza multiuso. Empresas interessadas podem entrar em contato conosco.

We are interested in purchasing <b>detergent</b>and require an RFQ to proceed. Please include all necessary information, including bulk pricing and delivery options.

I have a selling offer. I produce laundry bar soap. I don't have a company yet, but I am doing it on my own.

We are a Russian home care trader in Russia, North. We are looking for supplies of branded home care items to Russia. Please let me know if you can export your product range to Russia.

We are a Libyan company located in Benghazi, Libya. We are very interested in your products and would like to import from your company to deal in Libya.

Kindly confirm best prices for below items and certificates: No. ITEMS / MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS /MEASURE: 1 Liquid disinfectant for disinfection of alcohol-resistant surfaces - tube 10 liters Disinfection of work surfaces, equipment, utensils, objects, door handles, etc. Alcohol disinfectant, without aldehydes, without oxidizing agents. Short exposure and wide spectrum of action. Content: Ethanol / HOUR. Spectrum of action: Bactericidal, Mycobactericidal, Viricidal, 10 liters. /bottle 2 Liquid disinfectant for hygiene and hand disinfection - 10 liter tube Microfiltered against spores in the production process. Short exposure and long-lasting effect - 180 minutes of residual action. Hypoallergenic formula. Contents: Ethanol/Chlorhexidine digluconate. Spectrum of action: Bactericidal, Viricidal, 10 liters. /bottle. 3 Liquid disinfectant, disinfecting and cleaning *CONCENTRATE for floors and large surfaces - tube 10 liters Without aldehydes, suitable for various types of washable surfaces Contents: HOUR. Spectrum of action: Bactericidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, Virucidal, 10 liters. no. 4 Disinfectant tablets for general disinfection of 1000 g Disinfectant tablets for general disinfection of 1000 g / or 300 tablets of 3.3 g Sanifort type / opac 5 Disinfectant for floor tablets of 250 g Disinfectant for floor tablets of 250 g / or 75 tablets of 3.3 g Sanifort type / package

We are a chemical company located in Turkiye, largely producing cleaning products and household chemicals. And we also trade raw resources related to those products. We also produce Sodium Percarbonate, and can supply it in large amounts. We are capable of providing you with products you need. Please feel free to contact us if you need anything.

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