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we specialize in distributing medical supplies to iran and neighboring countries. We want to represent you in iran.

Do you have these Items ? If you cannot match these prices send to me your prices Elastic adhesive bandage BP (elastic plaster) 10 cm*4.5m (porous/adhesive ) 100% coton Abdominal Towel 50*30 Surgical Gauze Laparoscopic Sponges ...

sayin yetkililer bir hastane projemiz icin medical malzeme alimi yapicaz tedarik ede bileceginiz urunlerin listesini yollaya bilirmisiniz gelecek listeye gore alim sayilarini belirleyecegiz

I'm interested in your company and I would like to discuss things further to see how we could work together and what products I could bring to my country.

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