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Biz Türkmenistanda 320 ögrencili okul inshaatimiz devam etmektedir. Inshaat için gerekli olan elektrik, tesisat malzemelerini, spor ekipmanlarini ve diger malzemeleri Türkiyeden ithal ediyoruz. Bu konuda ishbirligi yapmak isteriz. Saygılarımla, A******* An*******w Whatsapp +993*******8 Tel: +993*******

We manufacture various type of sheet metal, fabricated and welding parts for auto and home appliances industries.

I'm intrested to import to Jordan & west Bank one of the following items from Turkey : 1- Middle class perfum and body spray . 2- high quality chewing gum. 3- home appliances. 4- building materials. 5- Kitchen ( ready made ). 6- Promotional materials.

Dear Sir / Madam, We, Hage groupe, are the biggest construction materials company in West Africa. Currently, we are working on a huge project. It consists of a giant 6 floors mall, the biggest and first of its kind in West Africa. Each floor will be specialized in something related to building materials as sanitary products, lighting, false ceilings, air conditioning, furniture, and so on. As for me, my floor will be specialized in home appliances and consumer electronics.

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