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I'm looking for such products. Working out the sieve for installing the screen. Marking equipment for mining industries. I have to find out the price first. Looking at the prices, it will be clear how many sheets will be needed later.

teleskopik hava kulesi 28 м this technique will be used for the installation of metal structures.

biz Ozbekistanda ozel ekipman ithalati yapiyoruz.Farkli fabrikalar izin cimento kamyonlari tekliflerine ihtiyacimiz var. 60 birim icin referans sartlarimiz var. Ana kriter minimum teslim suresi. Cinden mart, nisan aylari teslimat suresi musterilerimize uygun gelmiyor. 15 birim 45 м3 лик varil yari romork standart 30 birim 30 ton cimento alabilecek varil yari romork. TIR (Sinotruk HOWO A7) varil yari romork agirligi 44.5 tonu gecmemelidir. 15 birim celik varil yari romork, W Millenium seklinde.

Elektrikli Reach Truck (forklift) Catalli 1,8 ton* akulu* yan vites catalli *Tahrik - Elektrikli * Nominal kapasite 1.800 kg * 5,5 metreye kadar kapasite - 1.800 kg * Catal kaldirma yuksekligi 5, 5 metre, Kontrol tipi - Ayakta * Agirlik merkezi, mm 500 * Dis donus yaricapi, mm 1775 * Makine uzunlugu (catallar uzatilmis), mm 1886 * Makine genisligi, mm 1090 * Bosluk, mm 80 * Catal boyutlari (LXWXT), mm * Catal boyutlari ( LXWXT), mm: 40x100x1070 * Direk stroku (uzatma), mm 635 * AST (palet boyutlari 1000x1000mm), mm 2855 * Catal kaldirma hizi (yuklu/yuksuz), mm/sn 300/500 * Maks. seyir hizi (yuklu/yuksuz), km/h 10/10,5 * Maks. tirmanabilirlik (yuklu/yuksuz), % 10/15 * Lastikler (on/arka) 254x114/330x114 * Kaldirma motor gucu, kW: 11,5 * Aku (aku gucu/kapasite), V/Ah: 48/500

we interested to buy this kind of machin, let me know plz if U have and we need delivery by Turkey

Hello Dear Sirs, We would be very pleasant if you will send to us an information about Hydraulic truck crane with lifting capacity 14t if your company have this product. Thanks in advance and best regards,

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