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Solicitações De Indústria De Defesa

Você está visualizando anúncios na categoria Indústria De Defesa

Aslinda Ukraynadan size yaziyorum, Bize Taktik giyim ureticileri bulmaya calisiyoruz, bununla yardimci olabilir misiniz ? Her hangi urunleri, T-Shirt, Pantolonlar, Taktik eldivenleri

I need military combat outfits if we are willing to send the models you have

military boots and clothes im in a urgent situation i need a quantity of 3000 military shoes 3000 military t-shirt

askeri techizat uretimi icin turk fabrikalari ariyoruz Kursungecirmez yelekler kasklar Ordu icin spor ayakkabi Gozluk dizlik Eldivenler camasirlar

our company is interested in cooperating with you on tailoring of tactical clothes.

We're looking for a Turkish manufacturer on tactical clothes to build up our own brand in Mongolia

1. Helmets and bulletproof vests 4th class of protection: Balistic Helmet Level 4 - 500 pieces; Balistic Vest Level 4 - 500 pieces. 2. Uniform: Uniform set /5.11 tactical or M-TAС green/ - size 48-50 (M) – 500 sets; 3. Accessories: Karemats- 500 pieces; Sleeping bags - 500 pieces.

multiple types of gear . Such as body armor PPE equipment and uniforms

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