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Solicitações De Indústria Alimentícia / Frutos Do Mar - Peixes / Tunísia

Você está visualizando anúncios na subcategoria Frutos do Mar - Peixes na categoria Indústria alimentícia de Tunísia

Procuro vendedores no cais dos portos ou em barcos prontos para exportação Todos os produtos alimentares

We have your request, please send me message via wats app.

I am looking for food factories of all kinds. in very large quantities for Qatar and emirates. With contract Please contact me All wholesale food products from factories

Given the demands of our customers, we are interested as much as intermediate . 1 - the purchase of the can of sardines, vegetable oil 125 grs. 2 - the purchase of spaghetti 1.2 mm 500 grs and 250 grs 3 - the purchase of sweetened condensed milk of 1 kg 4 - the purchase of powdered milk (25 kg bags) Pending a favorable response. Please accept our best greeting

We have a special need of canned tuna 85 grams 110 grams 160 grams and 185 grams.

We are a tunisian trading company looking for importers for the following products : fruit and vegetables , olive oil in bulk or private label , pasta , tomato paste , soft drinks , canned tuna , canned sardin

We export differents food products such as Tomato paste, Harissa paste, Tuna and Sardines,olive oil,dates and many other products .

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