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Como parte do nosso plano de expansão, ****** (******) pretende aumentar seu investimento construindo um novo projeto (hidrocraqueador de minirrefinaria modular) para produzir produtos valiosos. Capacidade da unidade A capacidade de projeto da unidade Hydrocracker é de 7.000 toneladas/dia de alimentação fresca.

Hello. Good time. There are a number of projects related to oil and gas industries in Turkmenistan. Can you introduce me to a capable company in this field? I need a company that is a consultant and contractor in the oil and gas industry. I don't need a product at the moment. +98 917 *** ****

We are looking for Turkish Diesel Desulphurazation refinery manufacturers list of contacts.

My name is Ba*** and I am a petroleum engineer from Iraq. I am reaching out to you because I have some raw materials such as fuel oil, high sulfur diesel, and oil extracted from crude oil with high sulfur that I would like to convert it to diesel and reduce sulfur and improve diesel quality. Therefore, I would like to inquire about the equipment and chemical services that your company can provide for such a project. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send me more information on the types of equipment available, their specifications, chemical, and pricing. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

I want to know if your company can set up an oil refinery in Iraq. As an investment with a production capacity of 100,000 tons Three oil refineries are needed

I'm interested about manufacturing companies specialized with refinery equipment i.e. columns, reactors

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