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Solicitações De Mali

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Preciso de uma cotação de 7 unidades yp 500 Máquina de eletrofusão: Soldagem DN 20-500 mm Soldagem com leitor de código de barras tipo laser Soldagem manual Memória: até 4000 registros Proteção contra surtos Feito na Turquia Certificado CE Certificado TS ISO 9001 Soldagem de conexões PEHD-PP-PPR de até 500 mm Caracteres 4x20, tamanho de fonte 5 mm, LED verde automático Controle de soldagem Teste de durabilidade de conexões Verificação das conexões Controle de resistência Controle de corrente Controle de tensão Menu turco Menu inglês Tensão nominal 230 V (Tolerâncias 185 V - 275 V) Frequência 50Hz-60Hz (Tolerâncias 35 Hz-70 Hz) Potência 3600 VA Classe de proteção elétrica IP54 Fusível 16 A - 230 V Corrente do circuito primário 16A Temperatura ambiente -20° +60°C Tensão de saída 8V – 48V CA Corrente máxima de saída 70A+%10

We are looking for this production line in case you have any information about it! Thanks in advance!

iam looking for rice harvester for Mali rice harvester

Im looking for a unit who can produce bread and cake other..A*** ( 300 to 400) bread per hour!

my name is ******* director of the company ******** SA. Today we are contacting your company because we are looking to establish a lasting partnership with a view to creating a plastic preform factory in Africa, we are located in Mali, more precisely in Bamako. On this fact we launched a campaign of negotiation in order to find the company which will suit us the most, which have tropicalized machines powerful, solid and respecting the standards of international manufacture, but which can also provide us with the raw materials necessary for the creation of Finished products. my WhatsApp: 00223******* we would like to have the following information: the different types of machines that you can offer us, the prices, the guarantees, the transport from Turkey to Dakar, the manufacturing time and the terms of payment.

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