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Solicitações De Indústria Alimentícia / Nozes / Turquia

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I want to ask about rice and lentil and nuts to send it to Jordan

Temizlik urunleri Kozmetik ve kisisel bakim urunleri Kahvaltilik urunleri Sutluk Icecekler Biskuvi cikolata ve sek urun diabetikleri Kuru gida konserve baharat Seker yumurta yufkalar Sivi yaglar Unlu mamuller Acik sarkuteri Kirmizi Beyaz etler Sebze meyveler Kuruyemis cips lokum ve cerezler Oyuncak hobi ve kultur oyuncaklari Zuccaciye ve teksitil Elektirik ve elektronik Ev gerecleri ve hirdavat Sarf malzemeleri

We ask you to know the companies that use halal gelatin products in all kinds of food so that we can consume them and support their manufacture and let our family and friends know about them so that they can use them as well.

Baby Garments Under Garments Shoes Cosmetics Used Machinery Food Products I want to make at least one request with you.

I am an individual doing business of buying goods for people( my customers) and shipping it for them be it anything they request or desire.

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