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Solicitações De Indústria Alimentícia / Bósnia E Herzegóvina

Você está visualizando anúncios Postagem de Compra na categoria Indústria alimentícia de Bósnia e Herzegóvina

We are searching for company that can make private label of organic oils, cold pressed, pumpkin seed, black cummin and hemp oil.

We are interested in black cummin oil, pumpkin seed oil and, hemp oil, cold pressed for private label and other products that Your company offer, can You please contact me WhatsApp or e-mail to exchange more information.

100% virgin pumpkin seed oil , black cummin oil , hemp oil private label searching for manifacturer for mentioned products, private label

Our busnies is sell everything And rent busnies place. We intersted for a sunflower oil,all volume. Do you have distributer on Bosnia pr? Can you send me a offer for all volume.

Avusturya'dan gelen musterimizin adina size yaziyorum. Musterimiz aycicek yagi siparis etmek istiyor. 5 veya 10 litrelik ambalajlarda 1 milyon litre aycicek yagi icin teklif verebilir misiniz? Baslangic icin haftada 2 dolu kamyon siparisi vermek istiyorlar; Dolu bir kamyonun 30 bin litre aycicek yagi alabilecegine inaniyorum, yani baslangicta haftada 60 bin litre olacak. Teslimat yeri Graz olacaktir.

Bosna Hersek'ten tereyagi ithalati yapan firma Turkiye'de tereyagi satin alabilecegi partner firma aramaktadir.

We are HORECA supplier in BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA. We are looking for products like palm oil, tomato products, frozen fruit and vegetables, packing and bowls and small kitchen appliences

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