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Olá, preciso de 200 tubos de pvc de pressão de 6 atu. Você tem? Preciso de cerca de 600 metros. Se tiver, pode me dar um preço? Obrigado.

estou procurando um fabricante de tubos de aço MS na Turquia procurando comprar tubos MS de 35.000 metros em tamanhos diferentes

Tubo galvanizado de 25 mm necessário Estamos fazendo um conjunto de jardim Existe algum galvanizado sem pintura fácil de soldar Para conjunto de jardim de vime Ele solda como ferro

Kindly to send the best technical and commercial offer for below materials. (WATER APPLICATION). Validity of your offer: Delivery Period(production date + shipping date) Terms of payment: Shipping details Datasheets. Shipment: CFR-Aqaba /Jordan seaport. Country of Origin ; Country of Shipment Officially offer from your company to our company in PDF and excel sheet or word sheet. Note : we need technical data sheets , Drawings, MTCs or old MTCs which you already produced before, profile your company with your ISO certificates if found.

I wish to send you my inquiry for heavy duty pipe clamps

Can you help me to find a manufacturer in Turkey for GS heavy duty (class C) threaded riser pipes DN 100 with socket length 5,9 m EN 10255 > it's for a rural water supply project in Ethiopia financed by German NGO - we need 4.000 m of pipes

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