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Solicitações De Construção E Edificação / Aço Estrutural - Barra De Reforço / Irã

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Preciso comprar um perfil de viga T de aço carbono de um fabricante na Turquia. Preciso de 24 toneladas, um caminhão com carga completa. Preciso de um perfil de viga T de aço carbono tamanho 50*50*5mm, e a quantidade é 24 toneladas.

i wann find the company that have activity in feild of steek construction in region Erzurum or kars or close to it

We kindly request you to submit your quotation for construction of steel shed.

I want to inquire about industrial beams with size>>30. would you please send us the catalogue and quotation?

our company needs steel rebars quotation for delivery in iraq (baghdad)

In case you are interested in getting involved in Iran’s Housing Plan , we would appreciate if you tell a little about which materials you produce and want to distribute.

We are a building and construction holding in iran and for our different projects needs in all over the territorie looking for qualified suppliers.

In case you are interested in getting involved in Iran’s Housing Plan , we would appreciate if you tell a little about which materials you produce and want to distribute.

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