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su depoları dolum kontrolü için otomasyona bağlı vanaya ihtiyacımız var.

Bana bundan lazım İtfaiye aracı merdiven kaldırma ve su pompasını devreye geçiriyor

Siemens AGA 22 SKP 25 için 15-120 MBAR YAY YAĞLI TIP GAZ VENTIL MOTORLARI 2 tane lazım Siemens SKP 25.003E2 220 V UÇ ŞALTER 2 tane

The Russian plant for the production of road construction equipment is constantly in need of components. I will send a list for the selection of the original or analogue. The need is constant.

We are interested to purchase 3 Motorized valves complete with actuator.

Please acknowledge to send an inquiry directly be email

Merhaba, yurt disinda bir proje icin ilgili ulkede birlikte calistigim firma ""gate valves" ve "actuator valves" ariyor. Bu konuda nasil destek olabilirsiniz

Im looking Kit, actuator repair; application: igv actuator, claus air blower; additional information: stroke: 115/115 mm, action: reverse, signal: 4-20 ma; manufacturer: sti, equipment model no: sc, equipment serial no: a1501720

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