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Solicitações De Grécia

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Catering food and drink supplier in Greece published in the TurkishExporter's export address databank. Manufacturers and exporters who want to export to Catering food and drink supplier in Greece can benefit from this list. The database includes company name, phone number, e-mail and website addresses. List of potential import companies for companies that will export to Greece. ----- Data Details: Greece Catering food and drink Companies, Greece Catering food and drink Companies Databases, Greece Catering food and drink Companies Lists. Greece Companies, Greece Companies Databases, Greece Companies Lists. Greece Import, Greece Import Companies Databases, Greece Import Companies. Kalori Mimis Jigger Bar Catering Private Chef in Mykonos | Paros | Antiparos | Greece | iamyourchef Yades Cafe | Coffe Food Drink GREGOS CATERING Γιαλυτάκης Υπηρεσίες Catering Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη Gilli Diet Gaia Luxury Services Friandises Catering | Γάμος Βάπτιση Πάρτυ Δεξιώσεις ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΔΙΑΝΟΜΗΣ ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ & ΕΜΠΟΡΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ FRESH FOOD Fotis Group Event Catering, Planning & Audio Visual Services FOODPATH | Τροφοδοσία Χώρων Μαζικής Εστίασης foodies – Foodies Events & Catering FoodExpress

Kindly send us prices CIF Piraeus ,Greece and available sizes for ANCHOVY and SARDINE .

Currently, I am in search of a reliable supplier of chopped tomatoes in cans. Due to increased demand and changing circumstances, my current provider is unable to meet our requirements consistently. Therefore, I am actively seeking alternative suppliers who can offer competitive prices, reliable availability, reasonable lead times, favorable payment terms, and provide technical specifications if possible.

i am intrested for a dry freeze machine with maximum capacity 15kgs

Importadores de suplementos alimentares em Grécia, Código HS 21069098 O banco de dados inclui o nome da empresa, cidade e endereços de sites. As empresas que importaram no último ano são listadas. Fonte: Organização Mundial do Comércio e Nações Unidas

Importadores de embalagens de caixas de papelão na Grécia, Código HS 481910 O banco de dados contém o nome da empresa, cidade e endereços do site. São listadas as empresas que importaram no último ano.

Empresas importadoras de ração para animais de estimação - Grécia O banco de dados contém o nome da empresa, a cidade e os endereços do site.

Dear Sir, We are interested for an automatic line, like below: 1. Washing machine 2. Elevator 3. Drying machine (will dry the products from the water) 4. Elevator 5. Slicing machine -cutting in slices 3-8mm and cubes 6. Elevator 7. Heat pump oven with drying capacity: 50-100 kgr/hour 8. Elevator 9. Vacuum packing machine in bags of 5kgr What we want to achieve is to use as less working hands as it can be in the whole procedure. Main products : tomato, eggplants , zucchini, etc

I am interested in buying dentex and for cooperation, I want to know the price per kilo

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