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We can provide support for your import and export product requests to Istanbul and European Countries.

Tnanslation services Legal process follow-up, customs follow-up, hotel & transportation & security services in your business for export&import in Turkey.

Genel olarak hizmetlerimiz 5 kademede: 1 / Pazar analizi 2 / Avrupa Depolama & ellecleme 3 / Avrupa İç taşıma 4 / Avrupa İade yönetimi 5 / Avrupa E-ticaret desteği

Our professional Team can help your exporters to expand their Business in the Arabian Gulf region, We have a wide connections with the local markets here using our own tools like / - understanding the local business environment. - big data base and updated marketing researches. - unique a personal relationship with the business makers. - using the same agriculture and the local language.

Türkiye ile Suudi Arabistan arasindaki ticari iliskilerin olaganustu refahi nedeniyle, buromuz araciligiyla tum urunlerinizi Suudi Arabistan kralligi genelinde tanitabilir ve en ust duzeyde Suudi pazarina cikarabilirsiniz.. Amacimiz iki ulke arasindaki alisverisi guclendirmektir.

Firmalarimiza RUSYA -KAZAKISTAN-UKRAYNA Ulkelerinde SERTIFIKA+LOJISTIK+GUMRUK+HUKUK+IHRACAT +YATIRIM+OFIS+DEPO danismanligi ve dis ticaret hizmetlerini deneyimli kadromuzla vermeye devam ediyoruz.

Due to international sanctions against Iran in recent years and the reject the insurance companies to provide insurance coverage for goods destined for Iran, we specialize in insuring goods imported/transit to/through Iran from the UAE, China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Turkey. We have good experiences in this regard and will be happy to be with you in this issue.

We would like to invite one of your executives to be interviewed in our business program

guvenli sigorta garantili ve ucuz fiyatlarla Iran’dan tom ulkelere uluslararasi tasimacilik hizmeti sunar.

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