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We export ***** brand agricultural machinery, which is our own production. We produce Sunflower and Cotton Intermediate Hoe Machines, Soil Processing Group Cultivators, Universal Seeders and Chisel Plows for Cereal Planting.

Gostaríamos de vender uma máquina de carregamento de fardos que pode ser acoplada a um trator com reboque e permite que fardos de feno ou alfafa sejam carregados no reboque.

I represent ****** Agricultural Machinery. Our company, based in Konya, specializes in the production of high-performance agricultural machinery, including soil preparation, planting, harvesting, and fertilizing equipment, etc. Our products are known for their durability and technological superiority, and they are already successfully used in markets across the Middle East and North Africa.

***** Römork was established in 2002. It has a facility in Turkey. As ****** Römork, we manufacture agricultural trailers, water tankers, liquid fertilizer tanks, etc. Besides selling our products throughout Turkey, we also export them worldwide. **** Römork is constantly improving thanks to the quality of its products and attractive prices.

We are manufacturer of Agriculture equipment products. We need Importers of agriculture machinery. I want to export disc harrow, Disc plough, Laser land leveler

sale of spare parts for tractors and semi-trailers!

Hello. We are a Turkish company that produces trailers in many categories. You can write to our Watts up number or make a call for your needs.

As “ Uyanık Yataganlı “ (“Chısel,Cultuvator, Plough,Seeder,Threshıng,Trailer,Rotovotor, Pulverızator, Fertılızer, Goble Dıscharrow“), we are one of the biggest agriculturel machine producer in Turkey. We export our products to “40” countries and solution partner for global brands. Based on your interest, I would be glad to provide you more information and support you for your needs.

We manufacture trailers and trailer parts. We have special production in all sizes. Agricultural machinery and trailer

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