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Solicitações De Indústria Alimentícia / Turquemenistão

Você está visualizando anúncios Postagem de Vendas na categoria Indústria alimentícia de Turquemenistão

Somos fabricantes de produtos de confeitaria (Turcomenistão). Estou procurando distribuidores em potencial em seu país para nossos produtos. Entre em contato comigo se estiver interessado; ficarei feliz em cooperar.

we are a manufacturer of confectionery products (Turkmenistan), I am looking for potential distributors in your country for our products, please contact me if you are interested,

I am writting to you from Turkmenistan, from ***** company we produce toffee and chocolates. We are looking for distributors.

Our company specializes in manufacturing of biscuits, cupcakes, wafers, chocolate bars and marmalade. Our head office is located in Mary city, Turkmenistan and our products are very famous across our country and abroad as well as strongly beloved by all our customers. After expanding in some countries, now we have decided to expand in the market of your country. The highly qualified specialists of our company are the best in their own way and we promise to provide timely service to our esteemed clients.

We produce biscuits, cupcakes, wafers and chocolate bars, jelly. The company has an ability to export all of these categories abroad.

uretim yapan firmayiz biskuvi uretimini yapiyoruz yurt disina biskuvi satmak istiyoruz

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