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Have it in India N95. WHO Approved. 25C/mask, FoB India. MoQ 1M. Transport extra. You can open an LC and we can provide you

40 milyon maske talebi olan FOB ve CIF olarak teslimat yapabiliyoruz CE ve FDA belgelerimiz mevcut ve cok kaliteli urunlerimiz vardir. Iletisime gecerseniz talebinizi karsilayabiliriz.

100 milyon adet 3katli meltblownlu yuksek kaliteli ihracata ozel uretilmis cerrahi maske ihracat icin hazirdir

We sell 3-layer medical PE masks. Three-layer mask, blue, disposable, non-sterile, with elastic ear loops. Filtration level over 96%. Usage time up to 2 hours. Packed in polyethylene bags of 50 masks.

enli lastik 3 katli telli full ultrasonic MELTBLOWN maskemizin fiyati:

We would be glad reaching more markets all over. Surgical gowns, overalls, masks, head and shoe covers.

it's Annie from China,the KN95 mask factory. Does your company interested in it ?

We're a face mask manufacture in China. KN95(FFP2) face mask is what we mainly produce and it has got ISO9001, genuine CE certificates, Chinese GB2626-2006 and also EU EN149:2001 A1:2009 standard.

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