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Solicitações De Aquecimento Resfriamento Ventilação / Turquia

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We specialize in the manufacturing and installation of tank insulation, pipe insulation, and thermal insulation jackets. We are pleased to collaborate on projects involving insulation for tanks, equipment, or any assigned tasks. Our insulation solutions include mineral wool, glass wool, elastomeric rubber, PU, and pyrogel insulation. Additionally, we provide services for ventilation and air conditioning system design and implementation. Moreover, we offer subcontracting services for ventilation duct manufacturing, insulation sheet manufacturing, sheet sizing, ventilation duct installations, and more. We welcome your inquiries for cooperation.

CNR FLEX has been producing and selling connection hoses since 2015. As a manufacturer company, all of our products are produced within our own structure, we can use all the needs of the customer with our advanced technology and expert technical staff.

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