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Estou interessado em exaustores de cozinha. Por favor, envie-me um catálogo com todas as suas ofertas e preços.

Somos uma empresa sediada no Marrocos e gostaríamos de importar queimadores a gás. Entre em contato conosco para discutir potenciais oportunidades de importação.

Preciso carregar 2 contêineres de 40 pés de fogão embutido, fornos, micro-ondas e exaustores de cozinha com minha marca

Só preciso de uma cotação para um exaustor: Recipiente cheio CTB 1370 B CTB 1370 B CTW 1490 B CTW 2190 B CTB 1960 I

Estamos sediados no Bahrein, somos fabricantes de equipamentos de cozinha e todos os eletrodomésticos de cozinha. Gostaríamos de perguntar à sua boa empresa se você está vendendo queimadores a gás, por exemplo, 1 anel, 2 anéis e 3 anéis. Aguardamos sua resposta gentil sobre nossas perguntas.

We are K********* d.o.o. Lož from Slovenia. K********* produces different products under its own brand. We have been on the market for 70 years and we are a reliable partner. In the following link I am sending you a presentation of the company: Ko********** Since we have intensive growth plans, we are looking for busines partners in different segments. For sales purposes We are looking for the offer for a cooker hood.. The product should be branded as our own brand ********. We belive that your company can suport us in this section, therefore we are asking you to evaluate our speciffications as attached and prepare us best possible offer, respectively. The offer should be prepared and submited until September 19th, 2024.

As part of our new seaside project in ******, we will need a large quantity of kitchen trio (BUILT OVEN, TELESCOPIC HOOD, HOB, SINK), and for that we would like to import it directly from the factory. The project quantity will be 740 sets, and we will need approximately 1 pack for our model apartment, DESIGNATION DIMENSION USE COLOR BUILT-IN OVEN 60 CM 65 LITER STAINLESS STEEL TELESCOPIC HOOD BUILT-IN GAS/ELEC HOB 4 BURNERS BUILT-IN SINK 80 CM 1 STAINLESS STEEL BAT STAINLESS STEEL MIXER Please send us your total price offer in CFR, Also, a pro-forma only for the model apartment quantities, Thus, the availability time after ordering, and the payment terms, While waiting for your return by email, Sincerely.

I need to Mekappa Ovens and Stoves can you share me with main company producer ? If you can please as soon possible share me with them. And hoods I will inform you about quantity From each one 224pcs need

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