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Solicitações De Artigos Brancos Pequenos Eletrodomésticos / Utensílios Domésticos

Você está visualizando anúncios da subcategoria Utensílios Domésticos na categoria Artigos brancos pequenos eletrodomésticos.

We are looking for home appliance equipment Turkish manufacturers prices

Kindly send us catalog and prices for household goods and appliances, thanks

We r looking for different home electrical appliances

I want to come and shop in Turkey, mainly: irons, kettles, fans, moulinex, new and used washing machines, fridges and used freezers.

we are searching the new suppliers to our company. Could you send us your price list for checking. Thank you in advance!

We are one of the principal brands in our country and hope you consider be part of our list of suppliers

we are working to find win-win solutions for international companies so that the interests of all the stakeholders, including your customers, employees and shareholders can be properly assessed and taken into account. As you know, currently there are many international companies which are suspending their activities in Russia and do require support in variety of sectors to maintain their businesses.

I want to see catalog of household appliances and prices for import it. thank you

Temizlik urunleri Kozmetik ve kisisel bakim urunleri Kahvaltilik urunleri Sutluk Icecekler Biskuvi cikolata ve sek urun diabetikleri Kuru gida konserve baharat Seker yumurta yufkalar Sivi yaglar Unlu mamuller Acik sarkuteri Kirmizi Beyaz etler Sebze meyveler Kuruyemis cips lokum ve cerezler Oyuncak hobi ve kultur oyuncaklari Zuccaciye ve teksitil Elektirik ve elektronik Ev gerecleri ve hirdavat Sarf malzemeleri

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