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Équipements De Sûreté Et De Sécurité / EPI - Équipements De Protection Individuelle / Azerbaïdjan Demandes

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güvenlik malzemeleri için bir fiyat teklifi talep etmek istiyoruz: 1. Kırmızı reflektörlü ikaz yeleği (Türkiye üretimi)(logosuz)-50 adet 2. Eldiven (kırmızı-siyah inşaat işleri için)-600 adet 3. Ayakkabı Bot No. 43 (“Mekap” marka deri, çelik burunlu)-5 çift

Ben Azerbaycandan yazıyorum bizim şirket için bu ürünler lazım 500 ader 150 adet bu ürünler var mı sizde baku teslim fiyat vere bilirmisiniz

I wanted to work with you, be a distributor and do wholesale sales of your products. I want to convince you that the sale of PPE and workwear in Azerbaijan is 50 million dollars a year.

want to get dealership in Azerbaijan

We are looking for the Turkish Suppliers, Exporters, Manufacturers, Wholesalers Instantly the PPE (personal protective equipment) products with indicated Brands below:

Please provide your price for below items : № Product Name Single Dimension Quantity Certificate

Merhabalar. Tum tibbi maske, eldiven ve diger urunlur icin fiyat teklifi alanilirmiyiz?

Hereby we are already, willing and under the act of perjury to purchase the following products as specified below and certify that we have available full funding for the purchase of following items:

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