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we currently have an investment opportunity that might interest you. For sale is a majority stake in the capital (70%) or the entire property (asset deal) of a mushroom farm located in the northern part of the country. Our client looks for a partner with good references in mushroom production.

Can you recommend companies from Turkey that are engaged in the production of greenhouses; thank you

I am owner of the company that is based in Serbia, and that is specialized in selling hobby greenhouses and other gardening equipment. You can check my web page www.s**** so you can have better idea of the products I am selling. If there is any interesting producer in Turkey that you would suggest I would be more than thankful.

Please help us, write us a fertilizer plan for hydroponic cultivation in Dutch cans and for peppers and tomatoes.

We plan to build 5 hectares of greenhouses glass in three phases for hydroponic cultivation tomato .


greenhouse foil Dear representative We need greenhouse foil

PE foil for greenhouse from Turkey - Serbia Respected Sirs, send us your offer for next PE foil for greenhouse for use please: Thickness : 0.015mm (0.02mm) width 4m ...10 t 6m 4 t 8m 4 t and 0.015mm (0.02mm) UV protected : 8m 6 t Also we need offer for transport. Thank you ! .

    Serbia Palabras clave de la empresa para el idioma que se está visualizando y aún no se han introducido...
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