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Solicitudes De Menaje De Cocina / Jordania

Estás viendo anuncios Publicación de Compra en la categoría Menaje de Cocina de Jordania

Por favor, proporciónenos su cotización para cubrir el suministro de los materiales especificados según lo siguiente y adjunto: CERA-MSME-TOR-064-B. Compra de mezclador de chocolate • Validez de su oferta: • Plazo de entrega (fecha de producción + fecha de envío) • Condiciones de pago: *Ficha técnica. • Detalles de envío • Envío: CFR Aqaba/Jordan Seaport. Es muy importante • País de origen; País de envío • Oferta oficial de su empresa a nuestra empresa en formato PDF y hoja de Excel o Word.

Le solicitamos amablemente que nos proporcione sus mejores precios para la solicitud de cotización adjunta. Atentamente Ing. Mo***********h Oficial de adquisiciones Ta***************** Company LLC. Telefax: +962********* Celular: +962*********3 WhatsApp: +962*********3 Correo electrónico: tat******* Ammán-Jordania

Dear Sirs, Kindly provide us with your quotation to cover the supply of the materials specified as per the following and attachment:- CERA-MSME-TOR-056-C . Purchasing of Dough Sheeter Machine • Validity of your offer: • Delivery Period(production date + shipping date) • Terms of payment: *Datasheet. • Shipping details • Shipment: Ex-work, Fob and CFR Aqaba Seaport . • Country of Origin ; Country of Shipment • Officially offer from your company to our company in PDF and excel sheet or word sheet. Note : we need technical data sheets , Drawings, MTCs or old MTCs which you already produced before, profile your company with your ISO certificates if found. Expect to receive your valued offer on or before 15/10/2024.

im looking for factory manufacturing cake and patisseries decorating tools like( Nozzles, paste cutting tools, Cake Rotary Table, silicon mate , spatula etc..)

Please send your offer for refrigerators and cake display types and pictures of refrigerators and other cakes delivering the port of Aqaba

Hello We are processing Sweets Cake shop in Jordan, Can you provide us with images of refrigerators and equipment in this area

we are bakery ovens and its relevants distributors, need for pastry refrigerated and not refrigerated show cases Turkish made

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